History- Kazanluk

God first opened a door to Kazanluk in 2014 we met a Bulgarian Roma pastor named Dimitar and he invited us to his church in Kazanluk. On our next trip to Bulgaria, we took him up on his invitation and went to Carman, Kazanluk. While we established our friendship with Dimitar and Steve, Adonna, along with our friend Freda, shared their testimonies within the church.

In Easter and summer of 2016, we went back to Carman, Kazanluk. At the evening meetings, Steve and Adonna were invited to speak to the church, and all of us were able to pray for the people. We also brought children’s clothes and shoes with us that we laid out on the stage in the church. The children came in, picked out what they needed, and left with bundles of clothes and shoes in their hands, as well as smiles on their faces.

In Summer 2016, we went for the first time to the village of Kazmera, Kazanluk. At that time, the people in the village had been living without water and electricity for about twenty years. They would either have to travel about two kilometers through an unsuitable road or cross the main dual carriageway every day to get water. During this visit, we felt God leading us to run water pipes from the main Roma village of Carman into the village of Kazmera. After clearing away the rubbish and digging up the two-kilometer road to lay the pipes, there are now two outdoor public taps in the center of Kazmera. On the first day of the taps working, the children of the village came running to turn them on, to drink from them and wash their smiling faces. The access to these two water taps have changed the lives of the residents in this village and has answered a long term prayer.

In the Summer of 2017, we went back to Kazmera, Kazanluk. The evening church meetings were outside because of the heat. While waiting for church to start, a mum asked Adonna and Samuel to pray for her son who couldn’t walk. The little boy had one leg shorter than the other, and as Adonna and Samuel began to pray, the short leg began to grow in Adonna’s hand. Just as Adonna and Samuel walked back to us, a young man came running down the road saying that there was an old man who was dying in his household. When we got there, the old man looked gray and his breathing was extremely faint. When we had finished praying for the man, his breathing returned to normal and he had colour back in his face again.

We returned in April 2019, and this time we went with four of our friends, Andy, Andrew, Richard, and Danny. On the first night there, Danny preached, and at the end of his sermon, all of us prayed for people. There had been a few words of knowledge given about breathing problems and some other health issues. Many people responded to these words of knowledge, and many were healed that night. The next day, we had a big clothes giveaway in the church. The children came in and left with clothes for their families and themselves.